Lou Villar Pardo

The Authentically You Coach™️

Holistic Career & Business Coaching

Are you a professional woman looking to change direction in your career, but unsure of the path ahead? Or maybe you’re ready to plant your entrepreneurial dream and see it flourish? If you're ready to create new exciting possibilities and catalyse your next career evolution, I'm here to light your way.

Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey to design not just a fulfilling career, but a thriving life aligned with your authentic self. Get ready to set sail on a journey of purpose, passion and progression.

“There is no passion to be found in playing small — in settling for a life that is less than you are capable of living.”

—Nelson Mandela

Hi, I’m Lou.

an experienced, accredited coach + mentor

I fell in love with coaching back in 2009 when I went on my first coaching course and I’ve been using it in my career ever since. Work with me when you’re ready to pave a new pathway. I specialise in helping women find career fulfilment, change careers and build successful businesses. You might be an employee or a business owner, either way, you know you’re destined for more. Together we will open up possibilities and create opportunities that make your heart sing.


At the core of my coaching it’s about working out who you are or as I like to call it… “anchoring your authentic self” so that you can build a life that you love. We spend far too much time at work to wish the days away. That’s why it’s my mission to support you to find fulfillment in your career. I want you to love what you do; to wake up with purpose, passion and feel a sense of progression. A lot of my clients come to me feeling incredibly stuck and fed-up in their careers. I help them rediscover themselves and what they truly want, so they can create a career that inspires them every day.

Most people don’t take the time to really get to know themselves. A lot of us are operating on autopilot. Doing what we think we “should” be doing. I help you tap back into your authentic self. The person you are at your core. I support you to uncover what really makes you tick, what brings you joy and what you want to create in your life. 

When you aren't living in the truest expression of your authentic self it can manifest in lots of different ways, often making you feel stuck and unfulfilled. Sometimes even resulting in stress, anxiety and burnout.

You’ll learn to listen to your intuition; to trust that inner voice. You’ll know yourself better than you ever have before, building your confidence and giving you a solid foundation to build a life and career that you really want.

Taking you from Autopilot to Authentically You.

It’s a normal part of life that sometimes you realise you’ve hit a bit of a wall in your career or business.

I’ll help you find a way over, sometimes that looks like a gentle diversion, sometimes that looks like a leg up and other times we light the dynamite and blow the whole thing up. 

You can expect transformation when you work with me. I help you connect with your most powerful, authentic self and what true success looks like for you, so that we can build a life and career that inspires you every day.

We close any gaps and uncover any roadblocks on your journey to where you want to be, so the only inevitable outcome is success.

My clients know I’m in their corner and I’m more than just your coach or mentor. Some other things I’ve been called by them include: trusted friend, sounding board, mindfulness guru, biggest cheerleader, best boss, a psychic therapist (Disclaimer: I’m not a therapist!). You get the picture though: we are in it together and I can’t wait to get started in supporting you!





Client love

“Lou honestly has changed my life!! It is such a wonderful journey to go on”

Client love

I felt incredibly empowered by Lou who made me feel as though I am more than capable of living my dream life and that I deserve nothing less”

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