For mid-senior level professionals and executives

work with me when you:

  • Have hit a plateau in your career and are feeling stuck about what to do next

  • Want to completely overhaul your career and find your true calling

  • Want to plan your next career move and set direction

  • Are ready for your next promotion

  • Want to build confidence in your authentic leadership style

  • Are feeling unfulfilled and like something is missing

  • Want to create balance and harmony across your whole life

You will be a go-getter, you’re someone who will take action and is willing to try new things. You will be open to feedback and challenge. You will be ready to get to know yourself better, rediscover your passions and purpose so you can create career fulfillment and step into your next evolution.

Working with me will help you:

⚓️ Gain absolute clarity on your personal & professional goals

⚓️ Create a powerful vision for your future

⚓️ Build a strategic plan for success

⚓️ Discover a new fulfilling career direction

⚓️ Navigate new levels of seniority with confidence

⚓️ Secure your next promotion and salary raise

⚓️ Connect with your purpose

⚓️ Discover your most, powerful authentic self

⚓️ Spark your creativity & self-expression

⚓️ Cultivate joy & fulfillment across all aspects of life

⚓️ Develop authentic & intuitive leadership 

⚓️ Strengthen relationships at work and beyond

⚓️ Unlock your potential & step into your next evolution



what we cover during a career change

REFLECT - on where you’ve come from

ANCHOR YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF - rediscover who you are, digging into your values, passions, purpose, strengths, skills + so much more

MASTER YOUR MINDSET - uncover any beliefs holding you back and build a mindset that serves future you

CAREER CREATION - we turn job searching on it’s head and find a career that fits you

DESIGN YOUR FUTURE - we create an exciting vision for your whole life that makes your heart sing

PLAN FOR PROGRESS - we beat overwhelm by building a strategy to make your goals a reality

A full career change often takes time. I’ve helped hundreds of women change careers and have developed a unique career change system that we will follow, but with flex to ensure we meet your desired outcomes.

Often my clients wish some help navigating situations in their current role so I have built time into this programme to ensure I can support your immediate goals as well as your future ones.

Whilst there is no one size fits all approach to career change, I find 6 months is usually a really good amount of time to dig deep and explore different options. We will usually work weekly at the start and our sessions will move to fortnightly as we get a bit further along the journey. However, if you wish to move faster I can absolutely flex the sessions to suit your needs. Please discuss your requirements with me on the discovery call.

  • 6 months

  • 15 x 60 minute 1:1 sessions

  • Unlimited out-with session support via Telegram/Email 

  • Mindset tools, videos & workbooks

  • CV templates and workshop

  • Access to the online True Calling portal


My clients typically use this package to: develop their authentic leadership style, get support with being promoted, gain clarity on their next move (not career change), become more confident, overcome imposter syndrome, create more balance in their life, have an impartial sounding board etc these are just some examples but all outcomes are flexible and to be set by you.

All clients tend to start with this package as it allows us to do some deep, accelerated work at the start to really get under the skin of what you’re looking to achieve. This package might be all you need, but many of my clients will continue to work with me on a longer term basis to make bigger shifts and implement long-lasting change.

  • 3 months

  • 10 x 60 minute weekly 1:1 sessions (3 weeks on/1 week off)

  • Unlimited out-with session support via Telegram/Email 

  • Mindset tools, videos, workbooks, meditations etc

Many of my clients have this coaching package paid for them (or any of the others) by their workplace. Please check with your employer.

Immediate Impact Coaching

My clients use this package when they need a quick fix. For intensive help with a specific problem or challenge they are currently facing. When you need a sounding board, a critical friend, a confidant or a cheerleader. A tricky relationship at work you need support on handling, a mindset wobble, preparing for big meeting whatever it may be this intensive package can support you. (please note this can not be used to facilitate a career change) You can purchase directly on the link below.

  • 2 x 90 minute 1:1 coaching sessions

  • 1 month Telegram support for inbetween/after our sessions for a total of one month from the first call.



This inspiring group programme brings women together to work through setting a new direction in your career and creating a life you absolutely love. (Sounds a bit cheesy or a bit far fetched?. I promise you it’s not - this programme has changed dozens and dozens of lives for the better).

  • 4 months

  • 8 fortnightly coaching sessions

  • A private Telegram group 

  • An online platform where you can work through weekly modules

  • Training videos, meditations, visualisations, exercises & workbooks

  • Guest Expert Sessions

Career Coaching with me - what to expect:

I take a holistic approach to career coaching. We look at your whole life, not just your career. I use a blended approach - it’s coaching, mentoring, strategy, mindfulness, positive psychology all woven to create something unique that I flex depending on your needs.

I’m not your average executive career coach. You won’t find me looking all serious in a suit with my arms folded for my headshot. That’s not my vibe and it probably won’t be yours either. You’re most likely looking for a coach you think you’ll get along with. Someone who you can build a proper relationship with and feel comfortable sharing your fears with. I work with my client’s closely. I’m in your corner and we achieve results together. 


Before we embark on a coaching journey together I like to have a call so we can discuss your goals and ensure we will work well together and that the clarity package is right for you.

It also gives you an opportunity to ask me any questions.

This is a free, 30 minute, no obligation call. After the call I will send you a proposal outlining your objectives and anything else we’ve discussed.

If your work is paying for you coaching we will liaise with you or your finance department to get the correct information and invoice sent.

“If you are looking to make some big shifts in 2024, I cannot recommend my coach Lou Villar Pardo more highly. She has been many things throughout my coaching journey: Coach, Cheerleader, Mindfulness Guru, Trusted Friend. Throughout my coaching journey: We laughed. I cried. We held the dynamite together 🧨 fast forward 2 years: I have the job of my dreams, living my values, where I am authentically me. Thanks Lou, You rock. xxx”


“I feel SO much better. My mindset has massively improved and I no longer feel like the only solution is to quit my job! I’m actually really well aligned to my role in terms of strengths and values and a lot of the issues were self inflicted so could be resolved. I learned a lot about myself from the coaching experience. I have a lot of stress management techniques to work into my day to day life to help me control my thoughts and better prepare for meetings. I have set boundaries between my work and home life and no longer put unnecessary pressure on myself.”