Are you ready to find your True Calling?

True Calling Career DIRECTION

A 4-month coaching programme for women that helps you gain absolute clarity on what you want from your career and to create a life you love. This unique programme takes you through my signature system that empowers you to set a clear direction for your next career move, create a positive mindset and take action to build your dream life. If you’re looking for transformation this programme will give you it 🦋.


Who is True Calling for?

If any (or all) of these sound like you - then you are in the right place!

  • You are working in a career that doesn't bring you joy

    You’d love to change career or set up a business but you don’t know what you’d do

  • You wonder: “is it me or is it the job?”

  • You think you might want a complete career change but you’re not sure, you need support to decide

  • You dread going to work - you constantly wonder "is this is it?"

  • You live for the weekends & holidays

  • You feel like you’ve hit a wall in your career

  • You feel stuck & fed-up

  • You might have lots of ideas but have been scared to take action

  • You've lost confidence & ambition

  • You don’t feel like you are fulfilling your potential and you know you are capable of more

Are you ready to:

  • Feel empowered, confident and fulfilled

  • Build a positive mindset and banish your inner critic

  • Know yourself better than you ever have before

  • Make decisions easily

  • Have unshakeable self-belief to go after your dreams

  • Have clarity on what you really want out of life

  • Know with certainty what career you want

  • Have a solid action plan to get you there

  • Make new friendships and bond with your ready made cheerleading squad

  • Feel like you are living a life with purpose and meaning

What’s included:

  • 4 month programme

  • Access to my golden formula for career direction - a unique system I have created - you will not find this anywhere else!

  • Fortnightly coaching sessions

  • A private Telegram group where you can get M-F support, ask any questions out-with the coaching calls and connect with the other women

  • An online platform where you can work through modules week by week

  • Training videos, meditations, visualisations, exercises & workbooks

  • An intimate group of likeminded women all going through career change

  • Authentically You Mindset Mastery - the tools you need to become your most authentic, powerful and confident self

  • The option to add 2 1:1s with me

True Calling isn’t for you if:

  • You don't want to set a direction for your career, change career completely or set up a new business

  • You already feel aligned to your purpose

  • You already know exactly what you want to do next

  • You aren't willing to be open, curious & creative

  • You are looking for someone to tell you what job you should do

  • You aren't ready to put yourself first

  • You aren't willing to put in the effort to make a change

  • You aren’t willing to invest in yourself

 Why I set up True Calling

Well for starters, helping women find a different career path lights me up! It seriously makes me buzz with excitement. I understand first hand how stuck you can feel when you’re in the wrong job. I understand the feeling of waking up not wanting to go to work. I’ve been there.

And I also understand how magical it is to get out of that rut. To work in a job that feels so aligned to my values and strengths, in a career where I wake up excited to start work. To overhaul my life, my mindset, my job and even the country I lived in! I set big goals, I took risks and I worked hard. Now I work with women, to shine a light on a path that leads them to living a life, and working in a career, that aligns to their authentic selves.

I work with women 1:1 taking them through career coaching and often I found myself thinking “oh my god, client X would get on so well with client Y”. Often my clients go through such similar journeys and I could just imagine they would form such close knit bonds. Since launching True Calling I’ve been blown away by the synchronicities and similarities in the group. I’ve been running this programme for several years and the past cohorts still come together regularly as they have formed such lovely friendships.

I have experienced the magical friendships you can make in group coaching programmes, having been part of several different ones. The course content, the coach’s support and the other women in the group have been invaluable to my growth in my career, as a business owner and more generally as a person. I am so energised to provide a safe space, so you too, can experience this alchemy.


What we’ll cover…


Anchoring your Authentic Self - We go deep with a lot of different exercises so you get to RECONNECT with who you are, YOUR PASSIONS + PURPOSE, what makes you tick and what you want out of your life and career. (My clients adore this part!)⚓️

Mastering your Mindset - we discover your blocks and fears and we REPROGRAM your subconscious mind so you are brimming with confidence and positivity. YOU LEARN WELLBEING AND MINDSET TOOLS TO SUPPORT YOU TO BE YOUR BEST SELF.🧠

Career Creation - We turn job searching on its head, we get creative and curious. WE LOOK AT WHAT CHANGES YOU NEED TO MAKE IN YOUR CAREER, LOOKING AT ALL THE DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES.👩🏼‍🎨


PLAN FOR PROGRESS - we beat overwhelm by BUILDING a solid action plan to get you there. 🚀

Fears 101

  • What if it does?

    Seriously though… what’s worse… trying something or wondering what if?

    I can’t guarantee you results because you have to do the work, but if you put in the work I’d be very surprised if you didn’t get a lot out the programme. I’ve supported a lot of women with their careers… I know what I’m doing.

  • Of course you’re scared. I get it. I’ve been there. My first coaching programme I had to borrow money off my mum to pay for it. But that programme supported me to build a successful business! I wouldn’t be here now, sitting on my laptop on the terrace, living in Portugal, if it hadn’t been for that programme.

    I want to ask you a question… how will it feel 12 months from now if you are still stuck?

    VS How would it feel 12 months from now living a life aligned with your purpose?

    Is that not worth the investment?

  • Do you make time for things that are a priority to you?

    Is setting your career direction a priority? If so then you will make the time.

    Practically speaking I suggest spending a few hours each week on the exercises. Some weeks there will be less work than others.

  • When will be the right time? I hear this a lot again, I totally get it. We are all busy and life is always happening.

    Your subconscious mind will always give you a lot of excuses, telling you all the reasons why you should stay in your comfort zone. It not being the right time is a favourite!

    But that comfort zone is causing you to feel stuck… so sometimes we have to be willing to take a leap and try something new.

    There will always be a reason not to do something. You have to decide what you want more.

  • I totally feel you on this… When I joined my first group coaching programme my confidence was at rock bottom and I really struggled speaking on camera. But I quickly realised that all of the women were going through the exact same thing… they were welcome, friendly, open and I made friendships that have lasted throughout the years. I’m really mindful to keep the groups small and intimate so that you feel really supported. If this is something worrying you - let me know before our first call so I can support you.

Why choose me as your coach?

I have a wealth of experience in coaching and mentoring, with a background in HR.

I walk the talk and have overhauled my life and my career and now give you the tools to do it too.

I have supported lots of women to design their lives and their careers, I put my heart and soul into it. Sometimes this looks like a promotion, moving company, a full career change, a side hustle, a new business venture - I will work with you to help you create something that you love. I will work closely with you throughout this journey. You can always expect authenticity and integrity from me, and of course, a bit of cheeky Scottish humour - because where would we be without a giggle!?

How do I sign up?

If you would like to grab a chat before you sign up please book a discovery call on the link below.